Sunday, March 23, 2008

In the beginning...

Right, let's let set the first step on a journey, get the show on the road, throw the first pitch, kick off this game... and other some such cliches necessary at the start of an endeavor. I can tell you right now the posts are mainly going to come in two flavors, one that shows my travels, and what museums, landmarks, and cultural hot spots I visited. The other variety will be reviews of what I managed to cram down my gullet, and they won't always be the most classy cuisine either. In other words you will find a collision of high- and low-brow musings here, like a purebred dog standing on a electrified Boston manhole cover, like a discharging shotgun on a vice-presidential hunt, like...

oh yeah, like that.

So with the first post down, many more to go, I 'get the ball rolling'.

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